O.K. whatever.
just relating what I heard third hand. sorry for my error. just wanted to know if anyone else heard.
over heard.. wallkill selling two printing presses and moving one to canada.. can anyone verify?
bethel elder was the source..
O.K. whatever.
just relating what I heard third hand. sorry for my error. just wanted to know if anyone else heard.
over heard.. wallkill selling two printing presses and moving one to canada.. can anyone verify?
bethel elder was the source..
Over heard.
Wallkill selling two printing presses and moving one to Canada.
Can anyone verify? Bethel Elder was the source.
just put your handle in a post on this thread.. hb.
this url should be the first thing that pops up on any search engine when "jehovahs witness" is seached.
its that important...
my husband and i had a "planned" getaway for memorial day weekend.
he told me to choose the place, i chose maine....needless to say he was thrilled, portland so happened to be hosting the district convention that weekend....he did attend some of it, not me...i went shopping..they released a new book...for those of you who are interested...over 5000 in attendance.
scary well dressed white people with crazy kids...thats about it...enjoy!
Fore Street Grill = yummy,yummy, and yummy
i never felt comfortable knocking on door and i hoped no one would be home.
my presentation was short and to the point because i did not want to get into discussions.
as we walked from "door to door" i secretly wished i could be like all the ones i saw in the nighborhood.
i was never baptized but i did go out a few times. i can say that i totally hated it with a passion. it was the worst time of my life. i would hope that my wife (witness) would sleep late so i wouldn't have to go. such an awful expirence for me. and i only saw someone i knew once. that was it. never went back out gain. i felt like a salesman. i hate that kind of stuff, pushy people and thier BS. i have chills just thinking about it.
i am hoping you can help me.
i have a very dear friend of over 20 years, who was brought up jw.
our children are friends and we have vacationed and been like sisters all these years.
" You know in this system the devil is in power, so what do you think he is trying to get you to do? He is after you to have doubts and not trust what we are teaching you."
come on doubts ?? what a power play this is.. is this how friends act? forcing you to decide between them and the evil world..
the world is not evil.. come on !!! what a mess..
i hate this. please speak up..
i am hoping you can help me.
i have a very dear friend of over 20 years, who was brought up jw.
our children are friends and we have vacationed and been like sisters all these years.
why are you playing bible ping pong with them ? i'm not sure you owe then any explaination. I would stop the study NOW !!! if you are a religous person than they have an opening. i would say jwfacts.com would be the place to go. you are not a witness and you can bring up all sorts of interesting stuff if you want. they seem to have all the control at this point and thats not good. you have to explain? what bout them?
i would say you can keep the relationship if you STOP any conversation around religion. you can be just as stuborn as them.
" i really don't want to discuss this" or "you believe what you do and i respect that.. i just ask the same"
you won't convert them.. stop trying.. i read this and its true..
"people don't join cults.. their recruited" and thats whats happening now..
i wanted to make just a thread for this statement of mind control as it was very blatant .
in the may 15th witness only wt under the article "husbands, imitate christ's love !
" it states, " if you are a christian husband, remember that your wife is also your christian sister.
Are the witnesses a cult ?
regardless of whether she was baptized before or after marrying you. "
I guess you can't really deny that.. what a mess..
i thought rather than everyone start their own topic relating their experience of attending the memorial, we keep it simple and have just one thread.
if anything, it's saves bandwidth.. i will be going to the memorial tonight and will post my experiences afterwards.. all the other memorials i attended, i was an active jw, so this will be my first experience as a submarine witness.
it's weird being on the other side so to speak.
went with wife. me UBM. same old crap. speaker twisted scripture like Uri Gellar. boring as hell. out of like 12 elders, 3 say hello to me. what loving bunch of a@@holes. wife said talk was really long and not that great. i agree, feel a set up coming on, so as usual i let it slide. the whole thing sucked. when the speaker mention 9900 partakers, i say to wife" i thought the # was lower than that" no response. wife was a little put out that no one asked us to join them for dinner. i couldn't have been happier, nothing worse than spending time with them. attendance seemed a little low to me and my wife. although the room was really big. 1/3 of seats were empty.
let's say i am an anointed one, but i don't like the taste of the crackers and wine the congregation got the last time.
can i bring my own wine and crackers to partake tonight?
yes or no?
i think the only thing you can't bring are common sense and reason. also an inquiring mind.. otherwise anything goes